- What is RPS?
- What does Enterp do?
- What do the different modes do?
- How do you Redetermine?
- How does the Warp perk work?
- What does the Boost Sustainer advancement do?
Customization and Appearance
Purchases and GEMs
- I purchased the Phoenix Drone, but I haven’t received any GEMs!
- Does the Phoenix Drone’s +1 Thruster Affinity only last for 15 days, or is it permanent?
- My Phoenix Drone turned into an Egg Drone before the 15 days are up
- Why do I keep getting hundreds of gems out of nowhere? Are you charging my card without my permission?
- I bought the All Drone Pack, but I haven’t received any drones, even though my bank says that the transactions have gone through
- Will I lose my GEMs if I Redetermine?